Let’s Get Personal

In reading through the Bible, there are many, many promises that are what I call "general" promises. In other words, they are "everybody" promises. We see these with the scriptures that use words like "whosoever", "all" and "every one". But, in addition to the "general" promises, there are some very specific promises, ones that I call "me" or "personal" promises.  Here are just a few scriptures that list God's promises concerning my personal relationship with the Holy Spirit ... (the underlining is my emphasis) “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper (Comforter,...

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The Helper is Ready and Waiting!

A couple of days ago, I took my gasoline powered blower and edger to a small engine repairman. Why? Because both outdoor power lawn machines weren't working correctly. And, here's the sad but true part of my story ... (Vickie will tell you that this is the truth) when I try to fix things, they ALWAYS are in a worse condition after I work on them. Thankfully I am smart enough to know my limitations and extra smart enough to know that there are people who can do what I can't do. Based upon the previous paragraph, I am confident that you can see where I am heading with this blog post. Before...

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Facebook Quotable Quotes – A Collection

Just in case you've missed a recent blog post, for the past few weeks, I have borrowed an idea from Mary Poppins and shared “a few of my favorite things”. I'm referring to some of my favorite posts from my Billy Burns Ministries Facebook page. Three weeks ago, I shared a few of the Holy Spirit Realities that appear each Tuesday. Two weeks ago, I shared several of the Benefits of Speaking in Other Tongues that are published each Thursday. Last week, I shared a compilation of what I call Billyisms (things that only my brain would think of) that I post each Wednesday. This week, I want to share...

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Facebook Billyisms – A Compilation

Knowing that not everyone sees every post published on my Billy Burns Ministries Facebook page, I decided a few weeks ago to share some of its highlights. First, a couple of weeks ago, I shared a few of the Holy Spirit Realities posts that are on the ministry Facebook page each Tuesday. Last week, I shared a few of the Benefits of Praying in Other Tongues posts which appear each Thursday. This week, I want to share a few of the Billyisms that I have posted over the past few months.  Don't worry. The clothing of power promised by Jesus comes in your size! (Luke 24:49) Instead of saying an...

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The Benefits of Praying in Other Tongues – The List

In last week's blog post, I shared what I called Holy Spirit Realities Nuggets. This was actually a compilation of a few of the Holy Spirit Realities posts that I have previously shared on Tuesdays on my Billy Burns Ministries Facebook page. I felt compelled to share these because of Facebook's crazy algorithm which dictates who sees what. I am fairly confident that many of you hadn't seen these nuggets before. This week, I want to share another compilation of posts. Every Thursday, I share what I consider to be one of, if not the most important series of posts that I publish on Facebook ......

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