It’s a Supernatural Gospel

While reading in the Gospel of Matthew last week, I entered this note alongside Matthew 9:35 "Proclaiming the gospel and healing the sick go hand in hand." The gospel that we teach and preach is a miraculous gospel. I'll make it even clearer ... the gospel is 100% supernatural. It is God's supernatural power that makes the gospel to be the gospel. You see, the word "gospel" literally means "good news". Wouldn't you agree that it is GOOD NEWS that the preaching/teaching of the gospel will cause sinners to be born again, the sick and afflicted to be healed, the oppressed to receive joy, the...

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Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 12

If people only knew the importance of praying in other tongues ... Wait! You're making it happen as you share these illustrations. Here's another easy-to-do, easy-to-understand illustration. Once again, I will give a brief, skeletal overview of the illustration. Then, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can personalize the illustration to become a powerful teaching tool. The Importance of Praying in Other Tongues Part 12 – Create a New, Fresh Conversation with God For this illustration, you will need a Bible and a handful of peanuts.Cautionary Note: Be mindful that there are people who are...

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2019 – The Year of a Great Outpouring of God’s Spirit

Happy New Year!!! 2018 is history and ahead of us lies a year that I believe will see an unprecedented outpouring of God's Spirit. I believe that all across our land, we will hear people declaring "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel." Hallelujah! Vickie and I want to work together with the Holy Spirit to see this happen in your church in 2019. We can do this in two ways.1. Holy Spirit Rally - In these rallies on Sunday mornings, I give people an opportunity to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. I love seeing the altars filled from side to side with people wanting to receive the...

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Merry Christmas from Deep in the Heart of Texas!

During this Christmas season and the upcoming new year, Vickie and I pray that God’s peace and joy fill you to overflowing. May 2019 be a supernatural year that demonstrates that TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost!                                                                             

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Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 11

Ready for the next illustration? Once again, I will give a brief, skeletal overview of the illustration. Then, with the Holy Spirit’s help, you can personalize the illustration to become a powerful teaching tool. The Importance of Praying in Other Tongues Part 11 – Protect Your Spirit From This World's Contamination For this illustration, you will need a Bible, table tennis paddle and ball. It would also be helpful to be able to project this YouTube video  Long before there was a Sony Play Station or Microsoft Xbox or Nintendo Switch, a company...

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