I am convinced of this one thing … people are hungry for the things of God. There is a cry of desperation sweeping across the land from those longing for more of God’s presence. And, I confident that you are one of those individuals.

In this short blog series, The Supernatural Power of Communion, I am thrilled to share what might be for many a new way of connecting with our Father. For some readers, what I am about to share won’t be a new revelation. For those readers, this will serve as a good reminder. New or “seasoned”, this understanding  about the divine connection through communion will turn what has become just another ritual or tradition or a “get ‘r done and over with” segment in today’s church services into being an intimate, supernatural encounter with God that can instantly change your spirit, mind, and body.

Here is an important truth. Communion is a two sided connection with God. Just as our coinage must have two sides to be of value, it is imperative that we have a divine understanding of both sides of this divine connection with the Father. Without both sides of the connection, communion will be stripped of its power.

Two sides? One side is the acknowledgement of the great price that Jesus paid on Calvary’s cross. This revelation is so incredibly important. I’m so thankful for the churches that still make time during the taking of the Lord’s Supper in an overly time-sensitive service to place emphasis upon and teach about the great sacrifice made by our Lord. But, many people stop with just this one side. As I have already stated, God’s power will show up when both sides of the “do this in remembrance of me” are acted upon.

Not too long ago, the Holy Spirit gave me this picture about the second side of our partaking of the wafer and juice. Are you ready for this? Side two is the “It’s mine, I’ll take it here and now” paid-in-full receipt to appropriate the already purchased benefits of …
* “He was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)
* “… the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7) 

I’ll share more next week.