Book of Acts Normal Christianity
Please take three minutes and read these 260 words. I believe that the Holy Spirit will take the following two powerful quotes and my brief closing thought to launch you into a Book of Acts way of life. Here are the quotes. "As long as the Church remained under the control of the Spirit, the same works continued." ~F.F. Bosworth "Christ the Healer" “In the early church, signs and wonders and miracles followed. They cast out demons, blindness and paralysis. That’s normal Christianity! We’re so sub-normal, if we ever became normal, they (the world) will think we’re abnormal.” ~Leonard...
Why Pray in the Spirit?
For the last 11 years, I have shared week after week blog post after blog post about my love for the Holy Spirit. Many of the blog posts have focused on training and equipping those who minister to children and youth about how to work together with the Holy Spirit. I am confident that these posts have blessed these leaders and workers enabling them to raise up what I call a Joel 2 Generation of children and youth. Secondly, the biggest portion of the blog posts have been written to share insights with believers around the world about how to know and flow with the Holy Spirit. Recent blog...
– I.I.I. – Immeasurably Incalculably Important!
Some time ago, while reading an incredible book titled Ever Increasing Faith, I discovered this powerful statement ... “It is impossible to overestimate the importance of being filled with the Spirit." ~Smith Wigglesworth "Ever Increasing Faith" True. True. True. True. (I could keep on going.) Just how important is it to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Important enough that Jesus commanded (not suggested) His followers to wait in Jerusalem for the promised gift from heaven. (Acts 1:4) Important enough that Jesus didn't offer a back-up plan for those with busy schedules and conflicting...
Today is the Day of the Holy Ghost!
One Sunday morning while Vickie and I were children's pastors in South Florida, we had an incredible time of praise and worship with our children. God's presence was evident and the children were responding. At the conclusion of the time of worship, I stepped onto the platform to segue into the next part of the service and turned to Vickie and said these words, "Vickie, I see the day coming where we will have to force the boys and girls to stop worshiping God." I then turned my attention back to the segue and afterwards left the platform. If the story ended right there, it would be a great...
When All of Hell Breaks Loose
In a day when what can be shaken is being shaken and it is so evident that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but " ... against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12), I have great news for you. God has not left you defenseless. For those of you in the heat of the battle in your personal life or family or ministry or job and it seems as though all of hell has broken loose, let me remind you about your weapons. We have been given the Name that is above every name. At the mention...
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