Want to Walk in God’s Supernatural Power TODAY? Here’s How …
Please read the following disclaimer before reading the entire blog post ... DISCLAIMER: The following blog post is intended to be read and then implemented only by those wanting to operate in the realm of the supernatural. The operation of God's supernatural power that I'm about to share is equal to resurrecting the dead back to life, liberating a body from the confines of a wheelchair, or turning water into Welch's grape juice (I'm not one for drinking any alcoholic beverage). And, be forewarned ... operating in this gift is not for those wanting man's accolades or applause. In all...
God Says YES to Demonstrating His Power TODAY
Not too long ago, I read a powerful statement that I absolutely HAVE, HAVE, HAVE to share with you. It comes from Healing Rays, a book written back in 1932 by the Welch minister George Jeffreys. For those unfamiliar with this great man of God, Jeffreys (1889-1962) _ * Founded one of the first Pentecostal organizations in the United Kingdom, the great Elim Pentecostal Church. * Traveled with his brother Stephen throughout England and Ireland ministering and demonstrating God's healings and miracles in conventions, churches, and camps. * Was used of God just days before his death to pass on...
Supernatural Downloads
I absolutely love ministering the Holy Spirit Rallies each weekend and seeing many people be baptized in the Holy Spirit. It is really exciting to me when we are given the opportunity to also minister on a Sunday night and go one step further as I teach teach about the necessity of praying in the Spirit. Of the two services that we minister on the weekend, the Sunday night service is always the most challenging. Why? Because trying to squeeze into a 45 minute time window a teaching that tells of the many benefits that come as we pray in other tongues is like attempting to squeeze a 36 inch...
It ALL Begins TODAY!
I tend to forget that just because I have read each and every one of the blog posts for the last ten plus years (well over 550 posts) and personally attended each and every service that I have preached and workshop that I have taught, I am the ONLY one in the whole wide world that can make that claim. With the blog's readership growing and us constantly meeting new people as we travel week to week ministering in our Holy Spirit Rallies and Ignite & Unite Conferences, I am quite sure that there are those that hear me mention the phrase "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost" in our meetings...
Removing the “If” Out of the Supernatural
Here's an interesting behind-the-scenes look at what has happened a few times in our traveling as evangelists ... Let me set the scene ... It's Sunday morning and Vickie and I have just arrived at the church to meet with the pastor before the morning service. After a few minutes of visiting, I inevitably will ask about the general length of the service so that I can have a feel of my boundaries. Ready for a shocker? There have been pastors that have said something like this ... "Well Billy, we are usually dismissing the service around noon or maybe 12:15 PM at the latest. But, if the Spirit...
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