A Ministry Revolution – Insight #11 – The Exponential Explosion Factor
I know that the readership of this blog is very diverse. From Google Analytics, I can see that it is being read in countries literally around the world. From readership feedback, I know that the readers come from varying church/denominational affiliations and ministry involvements. The one common denominator is that the blog is connecting with people who have a passion for the Holy Spirit and long to see Him manifest His presence just as He did in the Book of Acts. You the reader have connected with my "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost" and are joining with me in making this declaration as...
A Ministry Revolution – Insight #10 – Announce Coming Attractions
When I began this Revolution: Settling for Nothing Less Than a Joel 2 Generation blog series, I wanted to challenge those involved in children's ministry to leave their current way of ministering to children and dare to take what perhaps might be previously uncharted steps so that they can see the "your" in Joel's prophesy come to pass in their ministry and children. "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy ..." Joel 2:28 For many, the insights shared have called for bold, uncomfortable changes. I...
What If …
www.billyburns.com | [email protected] | 561.827.9325
A Ministry Revolution – Insight #9 – Establish the New Norm
I'll say it loud, I'll say it strong ... I LOVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. Where did I get this deep love? I am simply reflecting the love for the Holy Spirit shown by my pastor Brother B.B. Hankins during my childhood and teenage years. Week after week, I saw his love for the Holy Spirit displayed as he worked together with Him in our services. It was the norm to see and hear from the Holy Spirit. I'm sure that you can readily see how this would impact my life. Why am I writing this A Ministry Revolution blog series? Because I so desperately want today's boys and girls to see this love put on display...
A Ministry Revolution – Insight #8 – Confirm the Word
Let me remind you of God's promise concerning the boys and girls in your ministry ... "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy ..." Joel 2:28 On the day of Pentecost, Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, announced ... "But [instead] this is [the beginning of] what was spoken through the prophet Joel ..." Acts 2:16 (Amplified Bible) Did you catch that? The day of Pentecost was the beginning of the fulfillment of God's plan. When the 120 individuals walked out of the upper room, that didn't end the pouring...
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