A Ministry Revolution – Insight #2 – Resourcing for the Breakthrough

When Vickie and I left our position of being children's pastors some 3 1/2 years ago to travel full time and conduct our Ignite & Unite Conferences and Holy Spirit Rallies, a part of God's directive was for us to be a part of ushering in a move of God's Spirit in children and children's ministry. Recognizing that many in children's ministry have no idea on how to see this manifest, Vickie and I have been called to launch a revolution to change the way that things are done. Two weeks ago, I began a series of blog posts addressing how to bring about the needed changes. This week, we want...

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A Ministry Revolution – Insight #1 – Strategic Ministry

In last week's blog post A Ministry Revolution - The Introduction, I shared about the urgency in my spirit to see a much-needed change in the way that children's ministry is being conducted today. If there is to be an outpouring of God's Spirit in our children and children's ministry, there has to be a change, or, to be bolder, a revolution in the way that we are doing things. I promised last week to begin a series of blog posts sharing insights for launching this revolution. Here is insight #1.If the truth be known, much of today's children ministry consists of leaders going online, finding...

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A Ministry Revolution – The Introduction

My how children's ministry has changed during our 38 years of being involved in this ministry. For most children's ministries, long gone are the days of not having an abundance of curriculums, using embarrassing props and visuals, suffering with "backwoodsy" (I know that this isn't a word but you get the idea) music, apologizing for antiquated room ambiance, struggling with poorly trained volunteers and staff, and ... I could go on and on. It's a totally different world today for children's ministry. And yet, with all of these tremendous advances and improvements, I find many children's...

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Merry Christmas from Billy Burns Ministries

During this Christmas season and the upcoming new year, Vickie and I pray that God's peace and joy fill you to overflowing. May 2018 be a supernatural year that demonstrates that TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost!

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Supernatural Enablement!

I often find my blog posts being some 400 to 500 words in length. For some subjects, it just takes a bunch of words to express what is in my heart. But, this blog will be super, super (I could add a few supers to make it longer) short. Why? Because I don't need to amplify what the Amplified Bible tells us in Ephesians 3:20 about our walking with an overflowing confidence that the Holy Spirit will manifest His presence in and through us. “Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the (action of His) power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly,  far...

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