Do Miracles Still Happen?

While preaching this past Sunday in one of our Holy Spirit Rallies, I shared that the greater works that Jesus promised (John 14:12) are made possible because "I go to my Father". In other words, Jesus' return to heaven and the ensuing sending of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16; 16:7) opened the door to the greater works (Acts 1:8). I also mentioned that churches all across our land have shut this door. Sadly, pastors are standing behind their pulpits preaching that the outpouring of God's Spirit and the days of miracles are long gone. I learned a few days ago of one of these churches located in...

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24/7/365 Supernatural

Here is a simple and yet powerful observation. When the supernatural presence and power of the Holy Spirit is continually seen and experienced in a public worship gathering, it creates in the believer an expectancy for the same to be seen and experienced continually in their day-to-day lifestyle outside of a public worship gathering. In other words, the norm inside of the church will become the norm for outside of the church. The flip side to this statement is what is never or rarely seen in a public gathering, in all probability, will never be seen outside of the church building. I am so...

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Jesus Left Us No Wiggle Room!

One of my all-time favorite passages in the Bible (and I have a lot of favorites) is found in Mark 16:17-18. In these verses, Jesus said ... "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16:17-18 I recognize that starting with the letter "a" in the word And at the beginning of the verse and continuing all of the way to the letter "r" at the end of the final word...

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Is There Evidence of the Evidence?

In case you haven't figured this out already, here is an indisputable fact. I absolutely love the Holy Spirit. I love Him as a Person, I love to enjoy His presence, I love to work together with Him, and I love to depend upon Him. Fanatic? Maybe to some. Passionate? A Texas-size yes! Here's another fact. I love to read books and articles written by individuals who are equally passionate about the Holy Spirit. I found such a book when I discovered several years ago a small, 61-page book titled The Phenomena of Pentecost. Each of its five chapters was written by a different Pentecostal...

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Yes is the Answer!

Thank God for the Holy Spirit and His leadings and promptings. I'll type it again ... thank God for the Holy Spirit and His leadings and promptings. I could and perhaps should type that sentence over and over again because it is so, so true. Here is why I am sharing that statement. A couple of Saturdays ago, my wife Vickie went out of town for the day leaving me all alone to enjoy a "me" day. Soon after she left, I started watching Jimmy Stewart's Strategic Air Command movie but didn't make it too far into the movie. That in itself is very unusual. First, I love Jimmy Stewart and second, I...

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