Want To See God’s Power?

Here's a no-brainer ... if you have two apples and then add two more apples, you can rest assured that you will now have four apples. Too simple? Well, it should be. Adding two plus two will always equal four. Always has, always will. It's just a given! Ready for another no-brainer? This New Testament given will have you up on your feet and shouting. I recently heard Reinhard Bonnke share ... "If we preach the original gospel, we will have the original results." ~ Reinhard Bonnke Isn't that powerful? You have my permission to shout for a couple of minutes. Okay, sit back down and pause your...

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A Generation is Waiting

Just a quick reminder ... There is a generation of children and youth desperately needing someone to introduce the Holy Spirit to them and demonstrate what a passionate relationship with Him looks like. There is a generation that knows little if anything about who He is and what He has been assigned to do. Most if not all of this generation knows nothing about the benefits of having a relationship with the Holy Spirit. I was fortunate in my childhood and youth to have someone that introduced me to the Holy Spirit. Service after service, the Holy Spirit was welcomed and allowed to speak and...

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An Open Letter to Pastors

This is a letter that I have mulled over and over again in my spirit for some time. To me, its contents are so, so needed. I would ask that you do your church a huge favor and copy, paste, and then print this brief letter for your pastor. And, you might consider sending an email to pastors in other Pentecostal/Charismatic churches with the link for this blog post (bit.ly/2fe3MGf) and help me get this important message to our pastors. Dear Pastor, Having had the privilege of serving on a pastoral staff at a great church in South Florida for 25 years, I know your heartbeat. As of a true...

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Pull Out the Knife and Fork!

When Vickie and I made our first trip to Africa, we got to experience life in the bush for a small portion of the trip. (Being out in the bush created many, many stories that I'll share in future blog posts!) One thing that I will never forget about this experience was the first meal that we ate upon our arrival, curried goat. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a curried anything fan ... never liked it, never will. While I know that the host family had gone to great effort to prepare a delicious meal, great as it might have been to the host family, it took every effort on my part to eat...

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The Oohs of the Holy Spirit

Several weeks ago, I sensed the Holy Spirit tell me that many people allow Him to only go so far in their lives. With open arms, the Church collectively and the saints individually have embraced His work up to a certain point and then they apply the spiritual brakes. He made it simple for me (as He often does) by showing me the "oohs" of His complete, unhindered heavenly assignment. These words with the "ooh" sound show that He has been assigned to: Coo and Woo - His cooing and wooing of man's heart draws or convinces man of the need of a Savior. In other words, the Holy Spirit convicts of...

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