I can’t believe it. I just looked at my blog’s history and discovered that I have consistently published a post 52 weeks a year for just over 9 1/2 years. I honestly don’t know of any blogger on the web that has published a weekly blog post for this length of time and, with rare exception, focused upon one subject, the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. At one time or another, people from over 80 countries have read at least one of the 512 blog posts, individuals from many diverse denominational backgrounds, generations varying from those considered to be “old school” to those identified as Generation Z (Post-Millennials), people with a common passion of wanting to know the Holy Spirit and work together with Him. With the enablement of the Holy Spirit, the blog has allowed me to share my heart and provide a mini-download, a micro-charging, a rekindling what was already known, a needed word for that given moment.

Slide-1Let me let you in on a secret. The blog has possibly benefited me far more than it has you. Besides the obvious benefit of putting what the Holy Spirit has shown me into print, I benefit from constantly referring to the archives and reading through several blog posts before preaching to a congregation or speaking at a conference. I have found that reading the thoughts and quotes found in these posts provides an avenue for the Holy Spirit to give a fresh download into my spirit.

Here are a couple of suggestions. First, I would encourage you to go through the archives. In writing this post, I contemplated listing some of the posts that I constantly refer to before I minister. That didn’t happen because I had trouble selecting only a handful. I believe that the Holy Spirit will direct you on which ones to read again and again and again. For those reading this blog post on www.billyburns.com/blog, you can gain access to the complete list of blogs by simply clicking on the title at the top of this blog. After you are sent to the new page, you will see the ARCHIVES at the right side of the page. Secondly, I would also suggest that you take it a step further and send particular posts to those in your family or those who minister alongside of you.

One more thing as I close. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of sharing my heart with you. I’m honored to be invited into your life week after week after week. I pray that I am a blessing to you personally and to your ministry.