The DNA of a Holy Ghost Ministry – Pt. 1

Have you stopped to think about the DNA of a New Testament children’s ministry? As you read through the Book of Acts, you see the distinct characteristics of the newly birthed Church. While religious organizations abounded during this time and synagogues and temples were plentiful, the distinct, inherent “gene” birthed in the Upper Room became undeniable in the Church and its lineage. And, that same unique “difference” is in you! Sadly, today too many of what should be Book of Acts ministries are hiding this “distinctness”. In many Pentecostal/Charismatic children’s ministries, leaders and...

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A Holy Ghost Demonstrator!

Let it noised throughout the land that we are a ministry that allows for the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Why? Because it is New Testament! We expect that the Holy Spirit can and will show up in each and every service and we choose to work together with Him. How do you work together with the Holy Spirit? First, preach the Word. In a children's/youth service? Yes. PREACH THE WORD! Second, step out in faith and expect the Holy Spirit to back up or authenticate the Word. I guarantee that He will demonstrate His presence each and every time. Throughout the Book of Acts we find a bold Church...

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Do You REALLY Want a Move of God?

I want to deviate from the weekly blog teaching and ask a simple question, "How serious are you about seeing a move of God among your children and youth?" You read about it. You talk about it. You want it. But, the truth is that none of these things have produced what you desire. I want to be bold and perhaps, in some people's estimation, quite forward. Would you be willing to take a bold step to see this happen by having me come to your church to ignite the passion of your children/youth staff? It could be for a Friday night or a Friday night and all day Saturday. I will be so bold as to...

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Call 911!

While in Bible College, I was introduced to the writings of Samuel Chadwick. Chadwick (1860-1932) was one of the greatest preachers of English Methodism. Warning: He is one of those writers whose works will cause the reader to use highlighter pen after highlighter pen to capture heaven's revelations.   Rather than provide some quotes and commentary, this week I will just share a couple of Chadwick quotes taken from his sermon The Way to Pentecost and ask you to meditate and ask the Holy Spirit to add His commentary. Then, do your ministry team a favor. Pass along the quotes to all those...

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Super-Sized Ministry

Here's a short blog entry with a really big concept ... super-size your ministry by using this Summer to move ministry outside of the four walls of your church. Let's look at reality. Most if not all of our ministry is limited to the confines of our classroom or auditorium and the sixty or ninety minutes allotted to our ministry. Am I right? Why don't we super-size or broaden our effectiveness by moving "ministry" outside of the church setting to a Saturday pool party or a Wild and Wacky, Don't Be Tacky Friday night or a tentless campout (no tent, no sleep, but a night of fun and memories)...

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