Outrageously Contagious!

I know that you've heard the adage that states that "things are better caught than taught". It's true. I know from experience. I was raised in a church that loved and appreciated the Holy Spirit. No matter what subject or text that my pastor, Brother Hankins, would preach or teach, the Holy Spirit's voice could be heard. I went to a church where Brother Hankins would often say, "I wouldn't cross the street without the Holy Spirit" and that dependency was evident in each and every service. His presence was  so undeniably real. Brother Hankins made room for the Holy Spirit to speak and...

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Are You Smarter Than the Average Bear?

If you are a product of the 1960's, you grew up watching some incredible cartoons. There's nothing on television today that remotely comes close to cartoon shows like The Jetsons or The Flintstones or cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny or Woody Woodpecker or Top Cat or Tweety Bird or Magilla Gorilla! One of my all time favorites is the Hanna-Barbera cartoon character Yogi Bear. If I close my eyes, I can still see him looking at his Jellystone Park sidekick, Boo Boo, and saying, "I'm smarter than the average bear." Yogi snatched many a picnic basket as he showcased his brilliance. Whether you...

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A Post-it Note from God

We all need reminders from time to time, or at least I know that I do. I survive a crazy lifestyle and keep on track of appointments and on top of projects because of the reminders that I place in my iPhone and the usage of a ton of Post-it Notes. My friend Jim Wideman teaches in his leadership conferences that God didn't give you a brain for memory. Your brain was placed inside your head to be creative. God gave you tools to assist you with your memory. To that I'll say a big, hearty amen! This week, I want to serve as your personal iPhone reminder or Texas-sized Post-it Note and remind you...

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Make Every Lick Count!

Meet America's most adorable grandsons: Gavin (2-years-old) and Joey (5-years-old) Here is a Billy Burns Kid's Ministry 101 teaching point. Young kids CANNOT eat ice cream without getting it all over their face. You don't even have to be in children's ministry to know this. EVERY parent and grandparent knows that once the cone hits the lips, the ice cream will soon be all over the child's face and on the clothes, right? Fortunately, the children eventually learn how to make ever lick count and not a single drop of ice cream will be wasted. That will be a bitter sweet time. The face and...

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It’s In Your Genes!

Have you ever heard the phrase "You can't deny that he's your son" or "Your son is the spitting image of you"? It's not uncommon at all to see children in our ministry who are carbon copies of their parent or have a mixture of the distinct characteristics of their dad and mom. It's easy to notice identical personality traits or physical characteristics between a parent and a child. And, it's not a mystery that what we have noticed is genetics, or to explain it a little differently, it's in the child's DNA. It's not something that they have to make happen. They inherently have their daddy's...

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