It’s In Your Genes!

Have you ever heard the phrase "You can't deny that he's your son" or "Your son is the spitting image of you"? It's not uncommon at all to see children in our ministry who are carbon copies of their parent or have a mixture of the distinct characteristics of their dad and mom. It's easy to notice identical personality traits or physical characteristics between a parent and a child. And, it's not a mystery that what we have noticed is genetics, or to explain it a little differently, it's in the child's DNA. It's not something that they have to make happen. They inherently have their daddy's...

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The Danger of "JUST"

Whether we like to admit it or not, each of us to some degree or another are very label conscious. For many of us, we walk into a department store and go straight to the clothing section that is made by our favorite designer. Come on. You know that it's the truth. Young, old, rich, not so rich, we all have "our" label. We generally don't even consider looking at clothes made another company. Why? Because that one designer or label describes who we are and what we like. I might even go so far as to say that the label "defines" us. One more time ... you know that it's the truth.   Just as...

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My Brain is Working Overtime – Your Responses

Last week, I posted a blog titled "My Brain is Working Overtime" in which I listed several questions that I believe must be examined by everyone working in children's ministry. If you haven't read the post, I would ask you to take 3 or 4 minutes and read my ponderings. At the end of the blog, I asked for your input. This week, allow me to share some excerpts taken from your tremendous responses. "Great questions and sad we have to ask." "Happy to say that the Spirit of the living God is upon our children who experience His presence and been baptized, and prophesied regularly in our mist....

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My Brain is Working Overtime

Rather than share a lengthy blog entry this week, allow me to just share a few questions to ponder. The questions may not mean anyone else but me. Judging by what I am hearing from Children's Ministry leaders across the nation, these questions cause me to be very concerned. Why is a salvation altar call almost non-existent in children's services? While having fun is an essential element of children's ministry, where are the somber moments that allow the Holy Spirit to grip the very core of our children's heart? Why is receiving an offering just a part of the check-off to-do list of the...

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Are You Getting the Bang for Your Buck?

While recently sitting at a meal with several men, I was intrigued as I listened to their conversation about investing money. I learned about a start up company that is having exponential growth in the technology field and is producing great yields for its investors. I also learned about companies that at one time showed great potential but made poor choices and is now seeing its investors bail out. It was quite enlightening to learn how these men valued their financial investments and the caution being used to maximize its returns. While you and I might not be in the stock market, it is...

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