Filled to Overflowing

This week, allow me to share a few powerful sentences from The Complete Smith Wigglesworth. Rather than comment on the quote, I'll ask you to read and then reread and then rereread (in other word, meditate upon) this statement from a mighty man of God. I believe that it will grow on the inside of you and challenge you to yearn for a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit ..."The most important thing, the one thing that counts, is to see that we are filled with the Holy Spirit, filled to overflowing. Anything less than this is displeasing to God. We are commanded by God to be filled with...

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Make an Eternal Impact

Just a few days ago, Vickie and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary of being Trinity Church International's Children's Pastors. I'll have to admit, there aren't too many Children's Pastors that I am aware of that have stayed at one church for any where near that length of time. We are celebrating because during these years, we have been blessed, blessed, blessed to have loved on thousands of children (that's a literal number ... not some number to hype a blog entry). The reward for these years of ministry is incalculable. It's a rare Sunday when we don't have at least one of our graduates...

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Do I Have a Witness?

It's a sad day for the Burns' household. One of our favorite television shows The Closer has its next-to-last episode tonight. For however many years, Vickie and I on Monday nights have either been watching the live episode or made sure that our DVR has been set to record Brenda Leigh Johnson solve what at first appears to be an unsolvable crime. Each week, we are amazed as we watch her team push aside circumstantial evidence and put together an air-tight case against the criminal. I know that next Monday, we'll have the box of tissues ready as we bid The Closer goodbye.Allow me to share...

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The Realness Factor

One of the most profound statements about the Holy Spirit is found in Benny Hinn's book "Welcome, Holy Spirit" where he quotes Kathryn Kuhlman telling of her relationship with the Spirit of God. Let me share this thought taken from page 28 " ... Kathryn Kuhlman looked out over those seated in the audience for her healing service and said of the Holy Spirit, 'He's more real to me than you are.'"How real is the Holy Spirit to you? For many, the Holy Spirit is Someone that they kind of know exists but can't provide much information about Him. To others, He is just a part of a religious creed...

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Ever Think About Quitting the Children’s Ministry?

Ever get discouraged while working in your children's ministry? If we are honest, every one of us will have to admit to allowing discouragement to raise its ugly head and try to convince us to quit. It's easy to have a pity party because no other ministry in our church truly understands all that we do or the hours that we spend. This ministry can deplete our energies, enthusiasm, and, sadly, even our joy. At times, your natural instinct will cry for you to hand this ministry off to some other person. Can you identify with any of this?It's always amazing to me that when these times come (and...

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