For those keeping count, this is blog post #332. That means for the last 332 weeks, I have posted a new thought/observation/teaching/reflection. And, in those 332 weeks, there hasn’t been an exception to my posting schedule. Too busy? Too tired? Not inspired? I’ll have to admit, those thoughts have crossed my mind many a time. More than once, I’ve been tempted to skip a week or two. But, a long time ago, I learned the importance of being consistent.

ConsistencyOver the years, I’ve watched a lot of my peers start a blog. They started off with great hopes and lofty ideas. Their postings were going to change the world. But when that fervency met the real world with busy schedules and too many things pulling for their attention, it became all too easy to put off spending time looking at the computer screen. The want-to became a do-I-have-to. Soon, the daily blog became a weekly (weakly) blog that became a sporadic monthly blog that soon became a distant memory.

With God as my witness, I’m not posting this blog to speak highly of myself. I just want to place a special emphasis on the importance of being consistent. There are rewards for those who keep on keeping on. In the case of my blog, people know that they can take it to the bank that I’ll have something new to share each and every Monday morning. The end result is that people from some 60+ nations are faithful readers  because they know that for the last 6+ years I’ve proven myself to be a faithful, consistent blogger.

Children’s Pastor, Sunday school teacher, youth ministry director, what vision or dream has God entrusted to you? I know that I am writing to people who have had a clear dream. And you know that the dream came from God. I know that once you received that dream, you started out blazing the path towards fulfilling the dream. But, life happens doesn’t it. It was all too easy to allow schedules and circumstances to create excuses for becoming sporadic in taking steps toward fulfilling your dream. Soon, those excuses brought your dream to a grinding halt.

Let me close by paraphrasing a statement from the Apostle Paul. “When you have done all that you can, keep on keeping on.” (Ephesians 6). You may have paused on your dream. The pause may have even become a complete stop. But, it is time to pick up your dream again. Though the excuses will continue to come, you have to recognize that someone  is counting on you to step into the place that God has prepared for you. Come on. Now is the time. Begin again and this time keep on keepin’ on!