Can’t You See God’s Fingerprints?

From time-to-time, I'll have someone say to me, "You mean that you have to be involved in children's services each and every service?" To that I always reply, "No, I get to be involved in the children's services each and every service." To be quite honest, I love it. I often tell my staff in the middle of our services that the Holy Spirit is speaking to me through the message that we are ministering. I know that the same Holy Spirit who is ministering in the adult service is present in our children's services. There are no two Holy Spirits, a big Holy Spirit for the adults and a little Holy...

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I posted an entry on Twitter this past week that said ... Missing out on seeing exploits? Could be that you know more about God than actually knowing Him. I posted the entry after reading Daniel 11:32. " ... the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God]." Daniel 11: 32 (Amplified Translation) So, if you want to actually see God show up and do what He specializes in (exploits), then know Him! One more thought ... consider following me on Twitter. I guarantee that you won't regret it!

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This week, allow me to give three thoughts that I share in our Ignite the Supernatural Conferences. Though seemingly simple, meditation will show the vast depth of each thought. They aren't just flippant words. With the revelation will come a great manifestation of God's glory.Today is the day of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost won't be real through me until He is real to me. If I make room for the Holy Ghost, He will make room for me. Pass these thoughts on to those working alongside of you in your ministry. I guarantee that you and your ministry will never ever be the same again.

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Holy Ghost Passion Feeders

Just a quick thought concerning seeing your children's ministry flow in the supernatural ... outside of the "givens" of your relationship with Jesus (prayer, time in the Word, etc.), do you have Holy Ghost "feeders"? By that I mean, are you feeding yourself with supplements that will fan the flames of your passion for a genuine move of God?Consider these three "feeders" that will help keep you on track and motivated as you seek to lead your children into the realm of the Holy Spirit:* Do you connect with at least one individual on a regular basis that is passionate for a move of God? It...

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Dependent on the Holy Spirit #5 – My Brain-Leak Fixer

If you've been to any of our Ignite the Supernatural Conferences, you have heard me tell of my Grandma Burns. She was one awesome lady. To be kind to you and considerate of your time, I won't spend a great deal of the blog going on and on about what I love about her. In her 99 years here on earth ... well, you can see why one blog can't capture 99 years of stories. Years ago, I heard her make this statement, "My brain leaks." What Grandma Burns was saying was that she had seen so much, heard so much, and experienced so much that her brain had trouble remembering it all. Her memory was...

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