A 2022 Fa-La-La-La-La Y’all!
I was looking back at some previous December blog posts and discovered the following from December 2019. To me, it's just too funny not to share again. (Note: You can read any or all of the 791 previous posts about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit by going to www.billyburns.com/blog, After reaching the site, double-click on the title of any post and it will open the list of archived posts. 791 posts? Yep. I've been blogging since 2007.) Here is what I shared back in 2019. It's been said that you can take a Texan out of Texas but you can't take Texas out of a Texan. With that being...
It’s Time – How?
If there has ever been a time to talk about and believers to begin to operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, it is now. Perhaps I should type that last sentence over and over again a few dozen times. Paul instructed us not to be ignorant of these gifts and their working and yet many today are clueless. (1 Corinthians 12:1) In my "It's Time - Now!" post, I shared that these gifts are to operate in and through each and every Spirit-filled believer. Just for the sake of jarring your memory, let me restate from that post that this "every" includes you. Unfortunately, due to my self-imposed...
It’s Time – Now!
If you've only got 15 seconds to read this blog post, I will summarize everything in just two sentences. It is time for you to begin to operate in the gifts of the Spirit. And the time for you to flow in these gifts is now. Got another three minutes? I'll break it down for you. The three minutes are essential because unfortunately, many Spirit-filled believers aren't heeding Paul's admonition. "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant." (I Corinthians 12:1) There is a huge lack of understanding about the gifts and you. Let's look at what the apostle Paul wrote...
If you follow our ministry on the Billy Burns Ministries Facebook page, you know that I often post quotations from men and women whose writing or preaching has impacted my life. These quotations about the Holy Spirit are taken from the writings or teachings/sermons of the likes of John Osteen, John Wesley, Norvel Hayes, Kenneth E. Hagin, Reinhard Bonnke, Oral Roberts, F.F. Bosworth, and Maria Woodworth-Etter. So, so powerful! Today, while preparing several new posts to be published on Facebook in the next few weeks, I decided that it would be beneficial to share with you a few of the words...
A Holy Spirit Ice Cream Sandwich
For the last three months, I have had the privilege to lead a weekly men's group for our church. I love leading the group for several reasons. These men are incredible, Word-loving Jesus followers. Another reason is that we meet at Chick-fil-A at 7 AM every Tuesday. Of course, this necessitates me enjoying a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit at each meeting. These meetings are one of the highlights of my week. In our meetings, we are going through The God I Never Knew written by Robert Morris. While we were discussing the gifts of the Spirit in Section 5 (chapters 13 through 16) a couple of...
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