Have I Got A Deal For You!
I know that the following will sound like the opening words from a late-night infomercial to sell you some miraculous, never-before-seen wonder product. But, I'll risk you forming that opinion so that I can once again make a truth about the Holy Spirit super easy to understand. Here goes... "Constantly tired? Ready for change? Want people to notice a new you? Bored with life? Discouraged? Is your spiritual growth at a standstill? HAVE I GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!" Okay. Enough already of the infomercial spiel. Informercial or no infomercial, these problems are all too real. Perhaps you are...

Good News for the Know-Notters!
Confused? Feel like your brain is in a thick fog? Have limited details? Got conflicting information? Overwhelmed? Have I got good news for you! Well, really it's not my news. It's actually found in Romans 8:26-27. According to these two verses, you are smack-dab (that's Texas talk) in the PERFECT place for some of the most accurate, powerful, right-on-target, can't-miss-the-will-of-God praying that you have ever done. Really? Really! "In the same way the Spirit [comes to us and] helps us in our weakness. We do not know what prayer to offer or how to offer it as we should, but the Spirit...

A Tribute
This is one of the rare times when you will find me at a loss for words. You see, the hero of my life, my Dad, passed from this life into his eternal reward. His absence has produced a hole in my heart that has me struggling to find words to describe the depth of my love and admiration for this man. At any other time, I could write pages and pages and even more pages about Dad. But today, I don't know how to put into words an adequate tribute to a man who never stood behind a pulpit but preached sermon after sermon as those around watched Christ in him, a man who I am blessed to be able to...

Original To Me? Nope. (But I Wish That They Were!)
If you have attended a Holy Spirit Rally or an Ignite & Unite Conference, I know that there is a good possibility that you may have heard one or more of the following quotations about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. (On a totally different thought, if you haven't been in one of these meetings, what is your excuse? Get to one!!!) Are these quotations original to me? Nope. (But I wish that they were.) The reason for this blog post is really two-fold. First, the truths found in these ten quotations are too powerful to just go in one ear and out of the other ear. They need to be...

If & Why Ponderables
Once again, Mister Simple is here to share the obvious with you. Today, I am asking you to give me two short minutes to read some if and why thoughts and then add however much time is needed for the Holy Spirit to add His one-on-one thoughts with you. If the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a gift from the Father to every believer (Luke 11:13), and... If, upon receiving this gift, the believer supernaturally receives a download of heaven's supernatural power (Acts 1:8), and... If learning about this gift by hearing preaching/teaching creates a desire to receive this gift in every believer (Acts...
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