From My Files – Reinhard Bonnke – Part 2
Did you enjoy From My Files - Reinhard Bonnke - Part 1? As I mentioned in that post, there are just too many powerful quotations to squeeze into one blog post. So, as promised, here are a few more powerful quotations from one of my all-time favorite heroes of the faith. THE QUOTES ADDED TO MY FILES #3: The Holy Spirit who made the world supernaturally should have no difficulty in continuing supernaturally. The less Holy Spirit operation we have, the more cake and coffee we need to keep the church going. If we preach the original Gospel, we will get the original results. The Holy Spirit is...

From My Files – Reinhard Bonnke – Part 1
I trust these posts that share stories and quotations taken from my files are a blessing to you. Hopefully, you are adding these to your list of resources. THE BACKGROUND: I have told myself that when (and if) I ever grow up, I want to be just like Reinhard Bonnke. Reinhard who? Reinhard (1940 – 2019) was a German-American Pentecostal evangelist, principally known for his gospel missions throughout Africa, a man who always spoke of “plundering hell to populate heaven". After reading these quotations, you will quickly see why he is one of my all-time favorite heroes of the faith. NOTE: I...

How Firm a Foundation
While recently reading the book of Hebrews, a particular portion of scripture caused two questions to pop into my mind. But before I share the questions, allow me to share the apostle Paul's exhortation and a brief thought. "So let us stop going over the basics of Christianity again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don't need to start all over again with the importance of turning away from evil deeds and placing our faith in God. You don't need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and...

His Promise. Your Children.
When Vickie and I left being the Children's Pastors of an incredible church in South Florida, we stepped into a new assignment, one that is to work together with the Holy Spirit for this generation. Many of you know that as traveling evangelists, we now have the privilege of ministering across the country in our Holy Spirit Rallies and seeing many baptized in the Holy Spirit. The second part of our assignment is to write blogs and articles about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The third part of our assignment is lesser-known and yet so important. Through our Ignite & Unite...

In A Nutshell
I realize that almost every week, there are people signing up to receive these weekly blog posts and/or the monthly ministry newsletter updates. Some of these "newbies" are joining because of having connected with us at the Holy Spirit Rallies and/or Ignite & Unite Conferences. But, there are many that have subscribed that we have never met face-to-face. Some have discovered us by "accident" while googling for those who teach about the Holy Spirit or perhaps have received from a friend a forwarded blog post or newsletter. Because there are so many that we haven't met, this post will...
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