The 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit – Part 6
Here is a startling revelation - we all have limitations; after all, we are just humans. We can only do so much, be in one place at one time, know and comprehend so much (or so little) … the list of our limitations could go on and on. (I know that I've written the following sentence over and over again in this series.) Thank God for the 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit. When we tap into the power of praying in the Spirit and allow Him to push our prayers beyond the realm of what we know or don’t know, the limited immediately becomes unlimited. I am thankful that we can pray with our understanding...
The 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit – Part 5
I will venture to say that each and every reader of this blog post has some sort of smartphone. And, if you are like me, you have it maxed out with apps to shop, listen to podcasts, read the Bible, check emails and text messages, and challenge your brain with fun games. But, as great as the smartphone and apps might be, both are totally worthless without the needed power. Need I tell how this applies to us as Christians? It is super, super easy to explain. We too are dependent upon a power that enables us to be what God wants us to be and do what He wants us to do. How do we obtain this...
The 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit – Part 4
If there has ever been a day for a heavenly GPS, it is today! If allowed, the Holy Spirit is on the job to whisper to your spirit heaven’s secrets, touching specific issues and needs that only God could know. (You did pay attention to the words "if allowed", didn't you?) One more truth about this heavenly GPS. The word "all" literally means all. The 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit will provide divine guidance and insight for every facet of your life! (Note: Be sure to check out this series’ first blog post to identify the translation abbreviations.) The Holy Spirit – The 100% Accurate GPS for...
The 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit – Part 3
I know that me sharing that I love "The 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit" blog series title makes it seem like I am bragging on myself. Honestly, I'm not. I just love it because it is a great reminder of the fact that the Holy Spirit is always on the job. Unlike some union jobs, He doesn't get a 15-minute break after working four hours. He doesn't punch off the clock at a certain time each day. He doesn't take vacation or sick days. He is ALWAYS on the job. Thank God for the Holy Spirit! In the first two posts, I shared that the Holy Spirit is on the job to prepare your spirit for the day and...
The 60/60/24/365 Holy Spirit – Part 2
I can't help it. I wrote it over and over again in the last blog post, but it bears repeating. Thank God for the Holy Spirit. I am so thankful that He is on the job working in the life of the believer 60/60/24/365. Not only does He prepare our spirit for the day (blog post #1), the Word shows us... The Holy Spirit - Prepares Those You Will Encounter in Your Day We’ve all encountered settings where those around appear to be cold and indifferent to the message. Their hearts are hard thus making it difficult for the Word to penetrate and take root. But, thank God for the Holy Spirit! As we...
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