They say that confession is good for the soul. Here’s my confession (a man’s version with MANY details left out!). I read a book that was intended to be a gift for a friend before I gave it to him. Whew. Telling the truth feels good as I get it off of my chest. Does my action make me to be:

  • A downright, penny-pinching cheapskate?
  • Or, to be nicer, a person that is both wise and frugal?
  • Or, the best of all, a person that wanted to save the money so that I can later spend it on Vickie? 

And your answer would be?

The book that I double-dibbed (I like that term) and read before I gave it as a gift is Benny Hinn’s Kathryn Kuhlman Her Spiritual Legacy and Its Impact on My Life. It’s a great book (great enough that I’d buy my own personal copy) that is filled with stories and quotations from Kathryn Kuhlman that I had never previously read or heard. 

Here is one of the many Kuhlman quotations from the book that I’ve added to my quotations file and used in my preaching and teaching. “Believe me, without the power of the Holy Ghost I am sunk.” (Page 103) I love it! To be more accurate, I love, love, love, love it! It is so simple and yet so profound. Pondering this statement has caused me to search my heart and ask myself if it represents my life/ministry. Am I so good at what I do that I really don’t need the Holy Spirit? With Him or without Him, would the fruit of my life/ministry be the same? What is my level of dependency on the Holy Spirit? 

I really don’t need to add more to her statement. I trust that you too will ponder this quotation and come to your own conclusion about your dependency on the Holy Spirit. Selah.