Holy Spirit Realities Nuggets

On my Billy Burns Ministries Facebook page, each and every Tuesday I share one bullet point about the Holy Spirit in a post titled Holy Spirit Realities. Knowing that you possibly haven't seen these teaching thoughts, I want to share just a few recent Realities nuggets with you. The Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby) is Who is needed, when He is needed, where He is needed, for what is needed. The Holy Spirit is fully aware of where you are presently and has already seen what lies ahead. (John 16:13) It is to our advantage to listen to His voice. (John...

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The Holy Spirit Has Got Your Back!

At times, I wish that I could be one of those kind of preachers that constantly has what I call the "wow factor". You know what I am talking about. The "wow factor" preachers have people digging out their Bible dictionaries as they are preaching to further research the Greek and Hebrew words used in the sermon, oohing and aahing at every other sentence, and taking voluminous (pardon my feeble attempt to impress you with my vocabulary) pages of notes. Try as I may, that's just not me. In fact, after one of our Holy Spirit Rallies, I had a pastor post on Facebook that I gave one of the...

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Your Children Deserve – Part 2

If you have followed this blog for any period of time, you have read over and over again that there aren't two Holy Spirits ... one who is a full-strength Holy Spirit for the adults and another who is a junior, less powerful, diluted Holy Spirit for the children and youth. We all know that there is just one Holy Spirit. But, in all of the twelve years of writing this blog post, I have never mentioned that there aren't two Satans ... one who is a tyrannical, viscous Satan for the adults and another who is a gentler, namby-pamby Satan for children. The Satan who ...* Is a liar and the father...

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Your Children Deserve – Part 1

Having been a children's pastor in a church for some 25 years, I have so, so many stories that I could share. I was reminded yesterday morning of a wonderful couple who came into my office one Sunday morning to tell me that they were leaving our church. I remember so clearly how they went to great lengths to assure me that they weren't leaving our church because of anything that I had or hadn't done. The reason I then learned was because they wanted to attend a much larger church in our community, one that had so much to offer their children. As a parent I could understand their thinking. We...

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Showcase His Power and Might

Let me share a powerful scripture that I read last week ... "Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come."Psalm 71:18 (King James Version) I especially love the way that this verse is rendered in The Passion Translation ... "God, now that I’m old and gray, don’t walk away. Give me grace to demonstrate to the next generation all your mighty miracles and your excitement, to show them your magnificent power!"Psalm 71:18 (The Passion Translation) Let me be up front with you. While...

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