Whoa … stop … alright already. I am quite sure that there are some readers that have pulled out the dictionary to look up the word “Hankinsisms” and are ready to correct my word choice. For all of you grammarians, I know that “Hankinsisms” isn’t an actual word … or, is it? Is there a single word that could better describe the unique, profound wisdom shared each week in Pastor B.B.’s sermons and teachings?

If you  have followed this blog for any length of time, the name Pastor Billy Bob (B.B.) Hankins is no stranger to you. He was the pastor of the Gulf Coast Christian Center in West Columbia, Texas for some 50 years. So that I won’t be too wordy in this post, I will forgo sharing his bio other than to say that he was my pastor … and I am a very blessed man because of it. 

Here are just a few “Hankinsisms” …
* God has no grandsons.
* The poorest person in the world is someone who doesn’t have anyone praying for them.
* Jesus never commissioned anyone to preach a gospel that didn’t include healing the sick.
* You can get anywhere in the world from here.
* It’s not necessary unless it is necessary.
* God pays for what He orders.
* Whatever you need, sow that kind of seed.
* A move of God happens when people start to move closer to God.
* Worry is meditating on what the devil says.
* The anointing of the Holy Spirit will cause you to see your divine purpose.

Did you enjoy these bits of wisdom? Want to read more? In 2016, Pastor B.B.’s youngest son, Bob Hankins, gathered, transcribed, and published a book containing several of the teachings that were shared at his annual Spiritual Sons meetings. This book titled Success in Ministry: Lessons from a Spiritual Father is available through Amazon.