Praying in the Spirit Illustrations – Part 17

For the new followers of this blog, let me share the importance of this blog post. Over the years, I have observed that many pastors, teachers, and parents struggle when trying to teach about the importance of praying in the Spirit. Perhaps you are one of these leaders or parents that know that praying in other tongues is scriptural but just feel uncomfortable or unable to teach on this subject. Because this subject is far too important to ignore, I occasionally share blog posts to provide simple-to-use, simple-to-understand helps to enable you to confidently share the numerous benefits...

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The New Testament Normal

Mister Dictionary is here with the definition of three important words for those longing to see a move of God ... Normal - (adjective) - conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. Subnormal - (adjective) - not meeting standards or reaching a level regarded as usual, especially with respect to intelligence or development. Abnormal - (adjective) - deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying. Next, let's add this powerful quote from one of my spiritual heroes, F.F. Bosworth ... “If you want to know how the Spirit acts now, just read how...

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The Holy Spirit is a Talker!

It PAYS to listen to the Holy Spirit. I was reminded of this truth as I recently read Acts 10. It is in this chapter that we read that the Holy Spirit spoke to Peter about an upcoming journey into uncharted waters. Consider this ... the Holy Spirit was:* Specific - (verses 19-20) The Holy Spirit told Peter that three men are looking for you and they are downstairs right now.* Direct - (verse 20) The Holy Spirit told Peter to not hesitate or doubt but go with the three men because He has sent them to get Peter. * Accurate - (verses 21-22) When Peter went downstairs, God's plan began to unfold...

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He Ain’t Finished Yet!

I know that you already know this, but sometimes we need a reminder about what we already know to be true. So, get ready for a NON-revelational reminder. Here goes ... the Holy Spirit who ministered mightily through the New Testament believers wants to work mightily through you. In other words, everything, everything, everything (do I need to add more "everything"s?) that we read about the Holy Spirit doing in the past, He is more than capable and willing to do today through you. You see, He hasn't changed one iota from being the Holy Spirit that we read about throughout the Book of Acts. ...

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My All-Time Favorite Blog Post

The beauty of the longevity in writing this blog is that I have had almost twelve years to write about so, so many aspects of the person and work of the Holy Spirit. The negative side of publishing a blog post week after week is that, oft times, the truths and revelations shared months and years ago become buried and rarely read again. New readers won't discover the truths from the earlier posts. Twelve years of posts? How important are these blog posts? I know for a fact that I could take three to four minutes to read any one of the over 600 posts and then walk into an auditorium to preach...

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