As children, we all blurted out “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” I trust that as adults we have all learned that nothing could be further from the truth. Words are powerful. Jesus emphasized this when He said, “These words that I speak are spirit and life.” Words can create life-long prison sentences, entrapping people with fear, insecurities, and unwarranted shame. Or, words can liberate people from the chains of bondage, setting the captive free.
In my 28+ years of children’s ministry, I have witnessed the power of my words over and over again. I wish that space would allow the stories of what happened as I purposefully used words to unlock chains. I wish that you could have witnessed the changed countenances.

Children’s worker, your greatest pulpit isn’t found on the platform. Your greatest sermon isn’t preached with props or visuals. Unbeknownst to you, your greatest anointed ministry could be found before you open with prayer.

Set the captive free. Demonstrate the love of God that is placed in your heart by the Holy Ghost. Preach your three-point sermon in three words “I love you”. This sermon is preached through the investment of your time and the focus of your attention.

Let this be your number one priority each ministry opportunity. Tell and show each child that you love them. Individually tell and show each child that each week that you stand by the door waiting for them to come to your class. Take a couple of minutes to listen to what is going on in their world. Compliment them on their dress or smile or beauty. Speak words reminding them of their importance to you and to God and His Kingdom. Your words and time will be an investment with an eternal return.