We all have children in our ministries that are “blessings in disguise.” There is always going to be that one child who has you questioning God’s promise that He would not give you more than you can bear, the child who challenges your theology and convinces you to believe that demons can be children possessed.
What do we do with this type of child? There are church policies and governmental laws that prevent you from doing what you’d really like to do, things that their parents aren’t and should be doing on a regular basis. Each service, you do all that you can do within your power. You speak to the child, move the child to the other side of room, put the child in time out, offer positive rewards for good behavior, talk to the parents, maintain consistency in your rules and disciplines … with no change. The class is continually disrupted. You find yourself continually wanting to have Communion Sunday so that you can add a little Tylenol PM to that child’s juice.
Here’s a radical idea … take Jesus at His Word. Find someone who will agree with you about this situation and come against this attack of the enemy. Take Matthew 18:18,19 literally and defy the enemy to set foot in your classroom again. Whatever we allow on earth will be allowed in Heaven. Whatever we bind on earth will be bound in Heaven. Throughout the course of the week, know that with two of you in agreement, strongholds are being broken, a young life is being conformed into the image that pleases God, and peace will come to your classroom.
Stand. Stand firm. Stand consistent and unwavering. If winds and waves can be calmed by the Master, your storm can be stilled. The touch of the Master can cause your 21st century demoniac of Gadara to act in his/her right mind.