Years ago, there was an extremely popular song that stated “Girls, They want to have fun.” To be honest, those few words are the only words that I know from the song. But, that’s enough to remind me that girls (and, if the truth be known … boys) want to have fun.
If that is true (and it is!!!), then the element of fun should always be a part of the equation in ministering to children. In our children’s ministry, we always utilize a fun-filled action-type game to start off our services. This game brings an end to the children visiting among themselves and brings focus before going into our time of praise and worship. Then later, we do some type of game to help the children with the memorization of the Bible verse. Fun is an essential part of our service.
You might be thinking this thought, “What in the world does fun have to do with a blog that primarily deals with the Person and work of the Holy Spirit?” I’m glad that you had this question. The answer is EVERYTHING. The Holy Spirit isn’t opposed to you having fun in a service. In fact, He encourages it. He knows that people (including children) are spirit, soul, and body. He knows that an effective ministry engages and touches all three parts of the individual. ALL three aspects of ministry are important. If you eliminate or omit touching one of the three parts of the child, you are essentially trying to rest upon a three-legged stool that only has two legs. If you are able to sit on the stool, it won’t be for very long and it will be mighty uncomfortable.
Let me take it a step further. In addition to having fun as a part of a service, why don’t you occasionally have a service that is ALL fun. Am I being heretical? NOPE! After completing a teaching series or perhaps once a quarter or even once every other month have an unbelievably, unforgettably wild, crazy, exciting ALL fun service. For example, this weekend we are having a Chill Weekend where we are showing the new VeggieTales Penniless Princess DVD and serving snow cones to the kids. Later, we are having Shine Weekend where the boys and girls will showcase their talents. I’ll add in my humor to what they do by trying to imitate their talent. It’ll be a hilarious weekend. How about having a Super Sloppy Double Dare weekend where you will watch a new 30 minute DVD and then ask questions and play Double Dare based upon the movie. The kids will never forget the weekend as they wind up participating in and/or watching some really sloppy games played by those taking physical challenges.
Let me go one more step further. Why does “ministry” have to be contained inside of the church building? During these summer months, enjoy connecting with the children outside of the church. Once in June and then again in August, the midweek Bible clubs that meet during our Wednesday night service go to a local swimming pool. Spiritual? You betcha! Every kid in the church wants to lay hands on their young (55-year-old) children’s pastor. It’s a night of memory-making fun and a time to connect in a whole new way. What about pushing the lesson aside and serving snow cones one hot Summer Wednesday night? Is this spiritual? Yep!
This blog entry is far longer than I had planned. But, it is needed. Have some fun. Make some memories. Connect. Bond. Touch all three parts of the child … spirit, soul, and body. These OCCASIONAL all-service fun times will open the door for greater “regular” types of ministry. Try it. I guarantee that your boys and girls love you, the church, and being a Christian a whole lot more!