Vickie and I love getting to work together with the Holy Spirit for this generation. In our Holy Spirit Rallies and Ignite & Unite Conferences, lives are being transformed, ministries are being trained, equipped, and ignited with the fire of the Holy Spirit. Service after service, conference after conference, I get to declare “TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost” and then watch Him show up and do what only He can do.
Here is what is happening.
HOLY SPIRIT RALLIES – Ready for some incredible news? God is still fulfilling His “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh” promise today. Weekend after weekend, Vickie and I get to see this outpouring as I preach about the baptism in the Holy Spirit in churches across the nation. In our Holy Spirit Rallies, the Word is preached, the people respond, and believers begin a Spirit-filled, Spirit-empowered, and Spirit-led life!IGNITE & UNITE CONFERENCES – The conference’s name says it all. This three-hour Saturday morning conference for children’s and youth ministry teams will ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit and unite their vision. Through the Dangers of the Status Quo, The Holy Spirit on Assignment, The 10 Commandments of the Supernatural, and Flowing with the Holy Spirit workshops, those ministering to your children and youth will learn how to work together with the Holy Spirit for this generation. The conference concludes with personal prayer and ministry over each and every attendee. With this common vision and new anointing, these ministries will never ever be the same again.
Let me repeat one more time what I say at every rally and conference. “TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost.” We declare this to be true for this generation in your ministry, church, and city. Did you notice that I used the word “your”? I actually meant your!
I am sharing this post because I know that this is also your desire. You truly want to see a Book of Acts outpouring. Through the Holy Spirit Rallies and Ignite & Unite Conferences, allow us to be a part of this move of the Holy Spirit. No church is too big or too small. Don’t delay. Contact us today. For additional information, click here to contact us.