Several years ago, while traveling and ministering in a state that I call God’s chosen frozen state (I will leave it to you to determine the location), I had the pastor comment to me after the service, “Billy, I just don’t know how that you do it. You preached a message about the infilling of the Holy Spirit, gave the altar call, and people quickly received the promise of the Father. When I do this, nothing happens.” My reply to him said, “Pastor, what I’ve done today is, to quote a phrase often used by Vickie, easy peasy. There are no secrets. In fact, you’ve already told me how I do what I do. I simply tell the promise and give God the opportunity to fulfill His promise. It’s easy because I feel absolutely no pressure. God is great at fulfilling His promises.”
Evidently, I make this ministry look too easy. So many pastors are amazed at the number of people who respond to the altar call and are baptized in the Holy Spirit. The answer to being pressure-free, easy peasy is found in these two powerful quotes taken from F.F. Bosworth’s Christ the Healer.
“God is just as faithful to one promise as to another.”
“The only purpose of God’s promises is their fulfillment.”
This is true about any and every promise of God. When I clearly share the promises found in God’s Word (Romans 10:17) and give people an opportunity to respond to His promises (James 2:17), God will fulfill the promises (Jeremiah 1:12). When I preach what the Word says about salvation, I can and do expect people to be saved. The same is true about divine healing and deliverance. There’s no need for me to engage in hype or pressure tactics. God is a promise keeper.
Let me close with one last Bosworth quote from Christ the Healer.
“God never moves out of His turn, but He always moves when it is His turn.”
So, go boldly establish the promise by teaching/preaching the Word. Then, provide the opportunity for people (children/youth/adults – there is no age restriction) to respond in faith. Finally, get ready for some easy peasy because God is waiting for His turn to fulfill His promises.