CMVickie and I are days away from celebrating our 35th anniversary of being in children’s ministry. I’ll be the first to admit that’s a long time. In fact, I don’t know of too many people being in this ministry for that length of time. This isn’t a ministry known for longevity. I know of many that started when we began and within a few short years drifted on to other things.
Why do I continue? Quite simply, my answer is found in the words of David.

 “So each generation can set its hope anew on God,
remembering his glorious miracles and
obeying his commands.”
Psalms 78:7 (New Living Translation)

In looking back at my childhood, I’m thankful for the nursery teachers, Sunday school teachers, children church workers, Royal Ranger commanders, and Vacation Bible School workers who came alongside my parents and gave me the opportunity to fall in love with Jesus. They instilled the powerful Word of God. They were Jesus in the flesh to me. Their labors and love so impacted my life. In fact, they are still impacting my life. I’m now taking the deposit given by these faithful children’s ministry leaders and volunteers and passing it on to the next generation.
Am I going to continue? You betcha! There’s another generation that must connect with our God. There’s another generation that must discover the wonders of God’s love and power.
Are you with me? Will you keep on keeping on so that one more generation will set its hope anew on God? This generation is counting on you.