In last week’s blog, I stated: “I am convinced that what is read in the Book of Acts can be, should be, and shall be a part of the daily lives of our children. It is a day for the miraculous to be done. The timing of this launching of the signs and wonders is today!”
This week, allow me to use a story found in Acts 3 to establish the foundation for a signs and wonders ministry. You all know the story. Peter and John encounter the lame man at the Temple gate. In ministering healing to the beggar, Peter says, “I don’t have any silver or gold, but I do have something else I can give you. By the power of Jesus Christ from Nazareth, stand up and walk!” Acts 3:6 (New Century Version) Instantly, the man received his healing.
When the Holy Ghost manifests His presence, there will always be a need for an explanation. When the Holy Ghost speaks and/or shows that He is present, it will put a kink in the natural mind. Peter and John’s explanation is found in Acts 4. The Bible begins the explanation with “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them …”
After Peter’s anointed explanation, we find the reason for the manifest power of God. The demonstration of the Holy Ghost witnessed in the healing of the lame beggar came because:
“When the Council saw the boldness of Peter and John and could see
that they were obviously uneducated non-professionals,
they were amazed and realized what being with Jesus had done for them!”
Acts 4:13 (The Living Bible)
Are you ready for the great revelation? “… being with Jesus”. The boldness to take the man by the hand and command him to rise up and walk came from knowing Jesus. They walked with Him and talked with Him. He wasn’t a casual acquaintance. He wasn’t Someone with whom they had spoken to occasionally. They knew Him and still communed with Him through the Holy Ghost.
Here’s the foundation for the supernatural. Our intimacy with Christ will give us the confidence and boldness to follow the Holy Ghost’s promptings which will bring about the exploits.
To substantiate this teaching, let’s prove it by intertwining Daniel 11:32 and Acts 4:13. “… the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].” (Amplified Translation) Because of Peter and John’s time with Jesus (know their God) they had a boldness (were strong) and were used by God (do exploits).
Start today establishing this foundation. Close your books. Turn off the teaching CDs. Push everything aside and go get into your prayer closet and get to know Him. From this will come the ability to “stand firm and do exploits.”