I recently shared a series of posts with simple-to-do, easy-to-understand illustrations to help those wanting to teach/preach about the importance of praying in the Spirit (also known as praying in other tongues). I trust that you are enjoying and taking advantage of these illustrations.

I want to share just how easy it is to use these illustrations. A few weeks ago, I received a Facebook message from Tracey Zannini Guillory asking permission for her 10-year-old son, Austin, to use one of these illustrations, Holy Spirit Illustrations Part 12, in an upcoming Assemblies of God statewide competition. The Louisiana district had just added an Object Lesson category to their Fine Arts Festival. I gave a Texas-size YES to her request for two reasons. First, this series was posted to be USED!  Second, I love the Fine Arts Festival because it allows children and youth to showcase their God-given talents. These children and youth will be the future leaders of the church.

Was the object lesson simple? Yep. Was is powerful? Double yep! 10-year-old Austin nailed it!!! (And so can you!) Take a minute and view this short video that Tracey posted on my Facebook page.  

Way to go Austin. I know for a fact that the video of your presentation has been viewed around the world. Keep on teaching and preaching the gospel. You are needed.

If you missed any or all of these illustrations, you can find them at www.billyburns.com/blog beginning with Praying in Spirit Illustrations – Part 1 which posted on October 8, 2018. Here is a link to the illustration that Austin shared.