If you have followed this blog for any period of time, you have read over and over again that there aren’t two Holy Spirits … one who is a full-strength Holy Spirit for the adults and another who is a junior, less powerful, diluted Holy Spirit for the children and youth. We all know that there is just one Holy Spirit. But, in all of the twelve years of writing this blog post, I have never mentioned that there aren’t two Satans … one who is a tyrannical, viscous Satan for the adults and another who is a gentler, namby-pamby Satan for children. The Satan who …
* Is a liar and the father of all lies (John 8:44)
* Is a thief who is come to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10)
* Is the god of this world and specializes in blinding people’s understanding (2 Corinthians 4:4)
* Is launching an all-out assault through principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)
* Is ruthless in the area of deceit (Revelation 12:8 and 20:8)
… to adults will not dilute his attack or lessen his weaponry just because his enemy is a child. Am I right?
Let me make a bold statement. Your child in his/her own strength and might isn’t able to withstand the attacks of our enemy. Without exception, they are an easy, defenseless prey for Satan. But, thank God for the Holy Spirit. The One who you as an adult recognize to have been sent by the Father (John 14:16) to give us the advantage (John 16:7) and the power (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8) is available and willing to do the same in your child.
Here is the reason for this short, two-post blog series. You and I as parents need to insure that our born-again, Jesus-loving children have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Did you notice that I wrote “have a relationship” and not “know about”? The Holy Spirit is relational. This means that in our home, we must show that He is not a stranger. We must continually teach and demonstrate our relationship with and dependence upon the Helper. Secondly, as I said last week, we need to insure that our children and youth are continually in a Spirit-filled, Spirit-demonstrating, Spirit-talking, Spirit-behaving (AKA having the fruit of the Spirit showing) ministry. This isn’t a once-a-year curriculum emphasis or a summer, away-at-camp experience. Week after week, He is to be seen and heard in their classroom or service. Our children MUST know and flow with the Holy Spirit in order to survive Satan’s attacks. Anything less can’t be acceptable.
Dad, mom, when was the last time that you asked your child about what happened or was taught in their classroom or service? “It was fun” isn’t acceptable. “I don’t know” can’t be the norm. The apostle Paul wrote that he just didn’t tell about the gospel. Instead, he wrote that he made room for the Holy Spirit to showcase that He is a seeable, hearable, feelable Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:4) When was the last time that your child saw or heard the Holy Spirit make His presence known? (Acts 2:33) In their service, is it common for children/youth to pray/worship God in their prayer language? Are they challenged to participate in (not just watch) supernatural ministry? If these aspects are not the norm, I would … (I’ll ask you as a parent to ask the Holy Spirit about what to do.)
I’ll close this post just as I did last week. Your children DESERVE to know the Holy Spirit. I’ll say it this way. YOUR children DESERVE to know the Holy Spirit. One step more and then I will quit for this week. YOUR children DESERVE to KNOW the Holy Spirit.
A 2nd well appointed word in due time