For this blog post, I want to depart from the expected, the norm, the predictable. Yep, you read it correctly. in this post, Mister (or brother if you are super spiritual) I-love-the-Holy-Spirit isn’t going to share any teaching or insight on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Instead, I want to share a gift, one that I honestly believe will bless you over and over again. I say the words “honestly believe” because I speak from experience. This document has been and continues to be just what I need, just when I need it.


By clicking on the link shown above, you will open a PDF titled I Shall Not Want Realities which is a compilation of 27 powerful overcomer realities from God’s Word. These realities serve a two-fold purpose.

  • First, these I Shall Not Want Realities are my daily spiritual multivitamins. Reading and declaring these Word realities will produce and build faith. (Romans 10:17) Did you notice that I wrote the word “declaring”? With these Word declarations, I am decreeing the will of God over my life. (Take a moment to see what God’s Word has to say about using your voice to speak the will of God. Job 22:28 and Mark 11:23-24).
  • Second, believing and declaring these I Shall Not Want Realities puts Satan and the circumstances on notice! These actions cause Satan to know that he and his evil shenanigans are finished, caput, and history. The heart-believed, mouth-confessed Word of God ALWAYS wreaks havoc on our enemy and causes circumstances to change. 

Here is my personal testimony. Within the last 30 days, Satan tried to attack my eyesight by causing my eyes to experience great, ongoing discomfort. During this time, Satan and his imps constantly bombarded my mind with horrible scenarios that had me having a detached retina and/or a possible tumor around my optic nerve. During the night, there was an onslaught of fearful, tormenting thoughts about having to go through surgery and then suffering through a long, extremely uncomfortable recovery process. So, what did I do? After having Vickie lay hands upon my eyes and praying God’s Word (Mark 16:18), I circled that date on my calendar as being THE day that I appropriated what Christ had purchased for me 2,000 years ago. I then began to declare the I Shall Not Want Realities that dealt with healing. Day by day, faith began to rise up within my spirit. In with my declarations, I directly addressed Satan by name and told him what God had said about my eyes and vision. Also, (catch this truth) I spoke to the circumstances. I was convinced that if Jesus could speak to winds and waves and command them to be still, I too could boldly speak to my circumstances. Throughout my day, I put my retina and cornea on notice and commanded them to line up with God’s Word. Here’s the outcome. After doing this day after day, the pain disappeared and hasn’t returned. (Get ready to shout with me!) God’s promise (Jeremiah 1:12) was fulfilled for my eyes before my eyes! Wait, there’s more. When I went to my eye specialist, his thorough examination showed that there was absolutely no problem. In fact, in his professional opinion, my eyesight was better than it had been at an appointment the previous year. His diagnosis confirmed that there was absolutely no truth in everything that the Father of all Lies (John 8:44) had used in his constant barrage of mental and physical attacks on me. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and these I Shall Not Want Realities

Here is what I am asking you to do with this gift.
1. Click on the link to open the PDF.
2. Print it.
3. Also, store the PDF on your phone or tablet so that it is readily available for you.
4. Read it and boldly, confidently declare God’s Word throughout your day.
5. Lastly, share the link with others.