by Billy Burns | Dec 31, 2024 | Divine Healing, God's Supernatural Power, New Testament Christianity, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
If I were to receive a last-minute invitation to teach in one or more conference workshops or preach in one or more Holy Spirit Rallies or Jesus the Healer Rallies services and only given my Bible and a tablet containing this year’s blog posts to use as my...
by Billy Burns | Dec 18, 2024 | Divine Healing, God's Supernatural Power, Miracles, New Testament Christianity
I know that the following is going to sound like the makings of a 3 AM hour-long infomercial complete with a toll-free number for you to call. You’ve been forewarned… Hey, my friend, do you know that just three words can change your life? Better yet, three...
by Billy Burns | Dec 13, 2024 | God's Supernatural Power, Miracles, New Testament Christianity, The Holy Spirit
Hey believer, did you know that God’s miracle-working power can be demonstrated through you right now, right where you are? It’s true. At Walmart? Yes. At the laundromat? Yes. Waiting to get the oil changed on your vehicle? Yes. On your daily walk around...
by Billy Burns | Nov 2, 2024 | Gifts of the Spirit, God's Promises, God's Supernatural Power, Holy Spirit Filled Believers, Miracles, The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit
Perhaps like me, from time to time you’ve experienced someone who wants to discuss (debate) the working of the Holy Spirit today. They claim that the days of miracles ended with the passing of the last apostle. For them, just reading a few scriptures isn’t...
by Billy Burns | Sep 19, 2024 | Divine Healing, God's Supernatural Power
Here is a simple-to-the-max revelation concerning God’s desire to heal you. It is found in these three verses. Matthew 4:23 “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of...
by Billy Burns | Aug 29, 2024 | God's Supernatural Power, The Holy Spirit, Walk of the Spirit
This week, my challenge has been to memorize the following two scriptures. “Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.” 1 Timothy 4:14 “Wherefore I put thee in...