If you have attended any of our Holy Spirit Rallies or Ignite & Unite Conferences, you will find that I preach and teach solely on one subject, the Holy Spirit. When pastors call to ask us to minister at their church and ask about what I minister on, I usually reply “the platform” and then quickly follow up with the real answer “the Holy Spirit”. I always tell them that if they want another subject they need to find another minister. Working together with the Holy Spirit for this generation is our passion and assignment. Sure, like any other minister, I can preach on almost any subject, but that isn’t our call. To me, to do otherwise would be transgressing against the will of God for my life. Does this make sense?

With that in mind, let me ask you to consider allowing us to minister at your church in 2022. I recognize that many of the readers of this blog post are not the senior (lead) pastors and can’t make decisions for your local church. But, you can do two things. First, earnestly pray and ask God to open a door. Second, speak to your leadership. Communicate what you’ve read through this blog over the years. Share with the leadership my heart and then ask them to communicate with me. They can call me at 561.827.9325 or email me at [email protected]. I sincerely say that no church is too big or too small. 

Here is a brief overview of both the Holy Spirit Rallies and Ignite & Unite Conferences.

Holy Spirit Rallies – A Sunday morning service with Billy working together with the Holy Spirit to fulfill the promise of the Father. (Joel 2:28-29; Acts 1:4; Acts 2) Rally after rally ends with the altars filled with people desiring to begin a relationship with the Holy Spirit. 

Ignite & Unite Conferences – A 3-hour Saturday morning teaching prepared to unite those ministering to your children and youth to work together with the Holy Spirit. The teaching will train and equip your leaders and volunteers to escape the dangers of the status quo, realize the assignment of the Holy Spirit in their ministry, learn practical ways to flow with the Holy Spirit, prepare to step out into the supernatural power of the anointing, and finally receive personal ministry at the end of the morning. To the best of my knowledge, there isn’t any conference like this in the nation.

Are these two courses of ministry important? Yes! Is this ministry needed today? An even bigger YES!!! Allow us to work together with the Holy Spirit in your church in 2022. I will look forward to hearing from you soon.