As I write this post, it is Saturday, June 11, six days after we as a Church celebrated the Father sending the Holy Spirit to the 120 individuals gathered in the upper room some 2,000 years ago. On this Pentecost Sunday last weekend, Vickie and I had the privilege of ministering in two of the most incredible South Florida churches. As I preached the two entirely different sermons, one in the morning in West Palm Beach and the other that afternoon in Palm Springs, the Holy Spirit made His presence undeniably known. It was a Sunday that I will never ever forget. It was the Day of Pentecost 2022!

What an amazing day. Both services served as great reminders that the Holy Spirit is still very much alive and well. Over and over again that day, we saw that the Spirit of the Lord that was upon Jesus in Luke 4 is still coming upon, filling, baptizing, and abiding with today’s believers. We witnessed the Holy Spirit’s power displayed in so, so many different ways. His gifts were free flowing and right on target. Just as with those on the Day of Pentecost, those gathered in these South Florida services were longing for and expecting a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit and didn’t leave that day disappointed. 

I am sharing this post because I know that a powerful Day of Pentecost 2022 is available for you and your church. What the Holy Spirit did for us and the two congregations in South Florida, He is longing to do in your church. A powerful Holy Spirit outpouring is yours for the asking. I am writing to challenge you to cry out to the Father. Expect. Yield. Flow with Him and then experience heaven touching earth just as it did in the upper room.

West Palm Beach and Palm Springs are now behind us. Vickie and I have flown to Texas and will minister tomorrow morning and evening in Bryan, Texas. Once again, my longing meter is turned up to the maximum level. My cry is for the Holy Spirit to do it one more time. We will yield to and obey His promptings.  I know that we won’t leave Texas disappointed as we experience again a Day of Pentecost 2022. This is my prayer for you!