Here’s a trip down memory lane with a chorus that I used to sing in children’s church as a child some 500+ years ago.

The devil is a sly old fox, if I could catch him I’d put him in a box.
Lock that box and throw away the key, for all the mean tricks he’s played on me.
I’m glad that I’m a Christian, I’m glad that I’m a Christian.
I’m glad that I’m a Christian, I’m trusting in the Lord.

Please tell me that I’m not the only person to remember this chorus. For those unfamiliar with this children’s classic, there are several versions available on YouTube. Here are a few of them.
* The devil is a sly old fox- Sunday School Action song | #actionsong #sundayschool #innuami 
* Devil is sly old fox – kids

Is the chorus cute? Yep. Memorable? Well, kinda’. Applicable? Absolutely.

Need an example in the Bible? When you read the account of Jesus’s confrontation with Satan in Luke 4:1-13, you will see that putting the devil and his antics in a box is very doable. With each assault of the enemy, Jesus responded with “It is written” which caused Satan to leave for a season.

In several recent posts, I have emphasized the importance of knowing and memorizing the Word. It’s the Word, the Word, the Word (purposefully repeated because of its power) that puts Satan in his place as the Word brings clarity (Psalm 119:30), healing (Psalm 107:20), deliverance (Psalm 107:20), direction (Psalm 119:105), joy (Jeremiah 15:16), peace (Ephesians 6:15), and assurance that you are on the right track (Luke 1:38).

Let’s put Satan in a box. Read the Word. Memorize the Word. Boldly declare the memorized Word. Satan’s assaults will end and you will see him leave for a season. Now join me in singing the chorus… The devil is a sly old fox…