One of the greatest joys in life that I am experiencing right now is traveling and ministering in our Holy Spirit Rallies and the Jesus the Healer Rallies. (The second greatest joy is talking about our seven wonderful, marvelous, incredible, brilliant, adorable, Nana and Papa-loving grandkids but I will save that for a future post.) It appears that many in these meetings are hearing for the first time that Jesus is still the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and the Great Physician. And, the exciting thing is that as they hear these truths, they respond, Jesus responds, and they leave the service radically different than the way that they came to the service.

Let me share one reason that the message about the Person and work of the Holy Spirit is so relevant and important.

“No one can know what anyone else is really thinking except that person alone, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world’s spirit) so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.” ~ 1 Corinthians 2:11-12 (New Living Testament)

If this doesn’t make you (to use a deeply Southern expression) happier than a tick on an old hound dog, something is definitely wrong with you. Paul is telling us how to dive into the depths of the Father – we must listen to His Spirit for He alone has divine, distraction-free, fully accessible insight into the mind of God. And, it is through our connection with the Holy Spirit that these insights are communicated with our spirit. In other words, praying in the Spirit, by the Spirit, and with the Spirit (what a combo!) opens up the communication center of heaven. (I can see that tick smiling mighty big on that thought!)

Nothing more needs to be added other than, thank God for His precious Holy Spirit. My friend, be filled with the Spirit!