In starting a new year, I always love to go back and read my Operational Manual to ensure that I am on track for what is ahead of me in the next 365 days. I do this at the suggestion presented by F.F. Bosworth in his Christ the Healer.

“If you want to know how the Spirit acts now, just read how He acted when He had full possession of the Church. The book of Acts is a blueprint by which the Holy Spirit wishes to work throughout His dispensation.”

This year while reading the book of Acts, I received a challenge that I believe also applies to you. The challenge involves an action that the author of Hebrews establishes as a foundation or doctrine of the Church, the ministry of the laying on of hands. (Hebrews 6:2) In Acts, we read eleven times of the ministry of the laying on of hands – six occurrences for miracles and healings (Acts 5:12; 9:17; 14:3; 19:11-12; 28:8; 28:9), three occurrences for the infilling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17-19; 9:17; 19:6), and finally two occurrences for impartation and setting apart (Acts 6:6; 13:2-3). The challenge that I received from the Holy Spirit is found in this last section, the impartation and setting apart.

For some reading this post, the laying on of hands for impartation and setting apart might be something new for you’ve never seen this in your church or ministry. For others, it might be something that you’ve read but never practiced. Having never seen, never practiced might cause one to add the words never needed. Here is Paul’s answer given in his writings to Timothy.

“Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecies spoken to you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you.” 1 Timothy 4:14 (New Living Translation)

“This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.” 2 Timothy 1:6 (New Living Translation) 

Did you see it? According to Paul, it was through the impartation that accompanied the laying on of hands that Timothy received the invaluable, course-setting equipping for the ministry that was to come. As great as Paul’s preaching or mentorship might have been, they couldn’t or didn’t provide Timothy the needed gift that came from the laying on of hands. So, never seen, never practiced, never needed? According to Paul, this deposit from heaven couldn’t be neglected or minimized in value.

Why is this challenge important? As we begin this new year, it is important for us to present an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to impart and launch through us essential, vital gifts to:
* Those working alongside us in ministry,
* Those children and youth entrusted to our ministry, and lastly
* Those in our family.

Know that as with every walk of the Spirit, practicing this doctrine is a bold act of faith. From personal experience, I can confirm that as we step out in faith the Holy Spirit will begin to speak to and through us. As hands are laid upon individuals, words of blessing, prophecy, and edification will begin to flow as gifts to set the course of God’s plan for the upcoming year.

Finally, here are three practical insights about this ministry.
* Prepare yourself for this ministry. Spend time with the Holy Spirit and be sensitive to His presence. (AKA praying in the Spirit.)
* Prepare those to receive this ministry by allowing them time to be sensitive to His presence. (AKA praying in the Spirit.)
* Don’t be in a hurry. As we make room for the Holy Spirit, He will make room for us and flow through us!

Will you accept this challenge? Will you escape the status quo and traditions of men so that the Holy Spirit can provide through you the needed deposit from heaven? To me, the answer to the challenge is found in the title of this post – all hands on deck.