The truth be known—once you’ve worked in any form of children’s ministry for any period of time, you are hopelessly, helplessly, forever and a day thinking of things through that lens. For example, walking through Walmart or Target’s toy department is impossible without seeing potential object lesson props. Holidays take on a whole new meaning as you brainstorm how to incorporate the holiday into a lesson. Television game show theme songs become brain fodder for background music for crowd-breaker games. Songs, whether nonsensical or action-oriented, pierce your mind throughout the day. Am I right?

Here is a great example of what I call CMO (Children’s Ministry Overload). Yesterday, this classic children’s ministry song was stuck in my brain.

I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me,
Makes the lame to walk and the blind to see.
It opens prison doors, sets the captives free.
I’ve got a river of life flowing out of me.

Do you remember this chorus? It continues with…

Spring up, O well, within my soul.
Spring up, O well, and make me whole.
Spring up, O well, and give to me.
That life abundantly.

For those of you not involved in children’s ministry or for the children’s ministry newbies, here is a video showing the song “I’ve Got a River of Life” (AKA “Spring Up O Well”) and its actions. Warning: after watching the video, you will find yourself singing the chorus and doing the actions!

Isn’t this a cute song? And, beyond that, isn’t it a fun song? I will take it even one step further and write isn’t this a truth-filled song? Think about it. The chorus has all of the makings of a powerful sermon placed to music.

For this post, I will skip past points one and two of the sermon and go straight to the home run swing of the sermon – is there any splish and splash from your river? In John 7:38-39, Jesus clearly likened the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer to a river. Then, he added the verb “flow” which indicates movement; the splish and splash of the indwelling Holy Spirit eliminates stagnation and produces “makes the lame to walk and the blind to see. It opens prison doors, sets the captives free.” 

The life-giving, freedom-producing, devil-bashing work of this river is waiting on our “Spring up, O well, within my soul.” As restraints are removed, as our desire is made known, this mighty river will begin to splish and splash on those around us. It’s true. I’ll take it one step further. It’s true about you!

Go ahead. You know you want to do it. Nobody is looking. Watch the video again, do the actions, and make this your heart’s cry.