In growing up in West Columbia, Texas and attending the Christian Center, I often heard Pastor B.B. Hankins say, “I wouldn’t cross the street without the Holy Ghost.” I recognize now that his statement was merely an updated version of Jesus’ statement.
But Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing alone.”
John 5:19 (New Century Version)
Such a dependency happens when the “realness” factor of the Holy Ghost kicks in. I love how Kathryn Kuhlman expressed it. “He is more real to me than you are.” This Person that Jesus introduced in John 14-16 wants to be so real to us that it will be second nature to acknowledge and welcome the reality of His presence as we walk throughout our day, be it crossing the street, walking through Target or mowing the yard. He’s not just a Sunday morning presence but rather Someone who wants to walk and talk with us 24/7/365, anywhere and everywhere, anytime and every time.
How real is He to you?