When God spoke through the prophet Joel that He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, this included the ALL in YOUR church. And, His all really meant all! That’s His heartbeat. My question is, do you have the same heartbeat? Do you desire that the children in your children’s church and mid-week Bible clubs be filled with God’s Spirit and prophesy to their generation? Do you want God’s Spirit to move mightily in your youth services? Do you long for the “suddenlies” mentioned in the book of Acts to happen in your adult services?

Here’s one last question. Would you like to see God’s heartbeat demonstrated THIS YEAR? Vickie and I would love to be a part in launching this move of God in your church through a Holy Spirit Rally in 2018. Whether it be through a Sunday morning service or Sunday morning and evening services or a Sunday through Wednesday Rally, we want to join with you to see Joel’s prophecy come to pass THIS year in YOUR church. No church is too big or too small. We are just an email away … [email protected]. Please send me an email and I will call you immediately on the receipt of your email.