Without fail, the days or even weeks after we have the opportunity to minister a Holy Spirit Rally or a Jesus the Healer Rally, I often lay in bed at night thinking about what happened in the service. I love, love, love getting the opportunity to open the Word and work together with the Holy Spirit through preaching and teaching. It’s through this ministry that faith begins to arise and the door is opened to God’s wonder-working power. And, if it is humanly possible, that measurement of love is exponentially multiplied as I think about the things that happened during the altar ministry. Believe it or not, I don’t have a vocabulary that adequately describes the fulfillment and joy experienced as we see people gloriously baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and seeing people testify of God’s healing power touching their bodies, making them whole.

I write these posts each week to provide a snippet of what could be included in a future dream if I were to share in your local church in one of our rallies. For example, concerning the Holy Spirit, if I were in your church next weekend working together with the Holy Spirit, among the many, many, many considerations, I would love to share from one of these previous posts-

Concerning divine healing, if I were in your church next weekend working together with the Holy Spirit, among the many, many, many considerations, I would love to share from one of these previous posts-

While I know that I can’t be at your church next weekend or the following weekend to share one of these mini-teachings, I know that you will be there. Here’s a radical thought – let’s multiply the message by multiplying me. Why don’t you be the new and improved, better-looking, much sweeter me and share these mini-teachings? This message is timely and needs to be and can be shared n-o-w by y-o-u!

It’s true that I can’t be at your church this weekend. But, consider having us minister in your church in the future. After ministering at your church, I’d love to be lying in bed remembering all that God had done around the altars for your congregation. For information, contact me at [email protected].