John Wesley was once asked if he was fearful that the Methodist church in America would cease to exist. “Never!” he replied. “But,” he added, “I am fearful that it will cease to exist as a movement with power and godliness and become only a church with a form of godliness, denying the power thereof.”

Sadly, in many churches, John Wesley’s fear for Methodism has been realized. What was birthed in revival has seen the fire diminish and the power disappear. The move of God is restricted to historical accounts of the denomination’s beginnings.

I don’t want the children in our Pentecostal/Charismatic churches to hear stories about our beginnings and not see that the Holy Spirit is alive and well today wanting to demonstrate His power as seen in the Book of Acts. I don’t want what has happened in Methodism to repeat itself in the children’s ministry in our churches. I desire to have children who are fulfilling Joel’s prophecy and being a powerful, Spirit-filled force in this earth.

God didn’t promise something that He couldn’t deliver. Today can be the day that the Holy Spirit begins to work mightily among your children. Today can be the day that they begin to speak boldly for God (prophesy). Instead of reading about His history, your children can begin to make history!

How can this happen? Train your children’s ministry leaders and volunteers to learn how to flow with the Holy Spirit. When they begin to flow with the Holy Spirit, the children will begin to recognize and respond to His presence. When they begin to respond, watch out … new chapters will be written in the Acts of the Holy Spirit (the Book of Acts).

Unfortunately, you won’t find many books to equip your leaders. Few seminars and conferences will challenge your staff to grab ahold of their passport and begin to travel into the realm of the supernatural.

We want to help you to raise up a Spirit-led, Spirit-equipped children’s ministry team. We want to help your Sunday school, Children’s Church, and mid-week Bible clubs to become a launching pad for a Joel 2 generation of boys and girls. Take a minute and look at the Ignite the Supernatural Conference web site at for additional information.