Let me give you a warning before reading this week’s blog entry … be seated and, if possible, put on your seat belt to restrain you from becoming too emotionally uncontrollable. Also, forewarn those around you to not become too concerned. You are fully aware that you’ve lost your mind and that you are extremely confident that you don’t want it back. So, with that being said, on with this week’s blog entry.
Take a second to read and then reread this verse:
Like you, I have preached this verse and used it in umpteen dozen lessons over the years. I’ve preached and taught this verse in every possible way. But this past week, I saw something that I’ve never noticed before.
While I have always shared that the word power is taken from the Greek word dunamis and emphasized that this Greek word is the foundation for our English word dynamite, for the first time I saw in my studies that Jesus was emphasizing far more than supernatural power. What Jesus is telling His followers is that this dunamis has a threefold definition. The infilling of the Holy Ghost will provide:
- Supernatural spiritual ability. This dunamis enables you to supernaturally exceed your human giftings and abilities.
- Supernatural spiritual strength. This dunamis provides the supernatural oomph needed to persevere and stand strong, creating a spiritual dynamo to be reckoned with.
- Supernatural spiritual authority. This dunamis delivers the unrelenting backbone needed to withstand naysayers and critics and the spiritual right to back up what you preach with heaven-provided, heaven-authorized demonstrations of the Holy Ghost.
I’ll close by authenticating this week’s blog teaching by sharing from the Amplified Translation:
I’ll quit typing so that you will stop reading. Now, undo the seat belt, allow these few thoughts to roll around in your spirit and then join me in demonstrating this dunamis!