I doubt that the following sentence will provide a new, deep revelation for most of this blog’s readers but I’ll share it anyways. Here it is … not all music is created equal. While this information might not be new, evidently it isn’t on the forefront of many leader’s minds. In my travels and speaking in various types of ministry opportunities which includes both children and adult platforms, I am amazed at what is considered to be worship. In many services, true worship is almost non-existent. I’m witnessing gatherings of children in children’s church and adults in the adult services that are being robbed of what I call “God connections”.
Why am I so concerned about what I see? It’s only through true worship that a “me” service is transformed into a “Thee” service. True worship uncovers our heart so that we can have intimacy with the Lover of our soul.
Children’s worker, I’m not even remotely suggesting that you abandon the fast, motion-driven songs that engage the children during the time of praise. Music pastors, I’m not suggesting that we throw out the songs that rock the house and have the adults clapping, jumping, and running. To borrow from Solomon, there is a time for everything. I am encouraging us to re-evaluate what connects our heart to God. Have we replaced the Spirit with being spirited, connection with repetition, intimacy with emotion? Have current trends and formulas muddled our intimacy? I’m not arguing for or against hymnals or the eternal “7-11 songs” (songs with seven words sung eleven times). I am saying that we must remove anything that isn’t crying out for Him. I am calling for us to once again abandon ourselves and passionately long for Him.
Children’s Pastor, boys and girls aren’t too young to intimately connect with God. Youth Pastor, God is longing to reveal the intimacy found in the secret place of the Most High. Pastor, the shekinah glory is still available to invade and fill your service. In all three scenarios, He is waiting on us to make room for Him through our worship.
It’s just an observation. What do you think?
I agree with all of this! I enjoy the upbeat songs both in adult and children’s services. And we need to allow time for adults and children to “touch God” and experience His Presence in total abandonment. Children love to worship and if they learn early, they will not be ashamed to worship as adults. We keep our kids in the main service during the music and corporate prayer, then send them to the children’s ministries for the “sermon” part of the service. They see adults raising their hands, rejoicing, crying…..and think this is normal for church. Halellujah!