I am convinced that the blockages of a powerful move of God’s Spirit don’t originate in heaven or even hell, but rather here on earth. What are the blockages? If I were to ask 100 people to provide this answer and explain why today’s church is in its present condition, I would possibly get 100 different answers. Excuses and reasons abound.
What is stopping an outpouring of God’s power? To be honest, it has nothing to do with the condition of our nation or even your church, its history, or its people. It has everything to do with the person reading this blog post right now (that’s you!). For too long, you have relegated a move of God to begin with another person at another place at another time. All the while, God has been looking at you to initiate this great move.
Pardon me for perhaps being too simplistic. I believe that the removal of these blockages is simple. A genuine move of God is guaranteed to the individual who correctly answers these three simple questions:
* If not you, then who?
* If not here, then where?
* If not now, then when?
A great, unprecedented move of God’s Spirit is waiting on you to initiate it. Once you recognize that God in all of His wisdom has determined that _____________ (fill in your name ) has been strategically placed at _____________ (fill in the name of your church) and is resolved that as of _____________ (fill in today’s date) to totally yield to the leading and promptings of the Holy Spirit, there will be a massive outpouring of salvations and healings and deliverances and restorations and … well, whatever is needed. A genuine revival will be birthed.
The questions are simple. The answers are even simpler. Now turn off the computer and begin to tell God your answers and then let Him confirm your answers.