It’s a new year. And, as you may well know, this is the time of year when people make their resolutions for the upcoming 12 months. It could be to lose weight or be more punctual or watch less television. Perhaps you have your own list of things resolutions to achieve in this new year. Well, if the truth be known, with this being the second full week of our new year, for most, their New Year resolutions are already a major disappointment. I read online that a 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study’s participants were confident of success at the beginning. I don’t know how accurate those statistics are, but I’m sure that they can’t be too far off. (Remember, 78.2% of all statistics are made up … just a joke.)
Let me go on record of sharing my resolves for this year.
- I echo the prophet Joel and later the Apostle Peter and declare that in the last days (and these are those days), I will see an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit upon MY children.
- I echo the lepers in 2 Kings 7 and declare that I refuse to sit where I am and accept the status quo. This is the year for bold action.
- I echo Jacob of old in Genesis 32 and declare that I refuse to be denied. I won’t let go until I see the fulfillment of God’ s promise to for a Holy Ghost outpouring to THIS generation.
- I echo blind Bartimaeus and resolve that my voice won’t be silenced. Those around me will hear me boldly and waveringly say and say and say “TODAY, TODAY, TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost.”
- I echo King David and declare that if my tenacity in pursuing God and leading others in my pursuit offends you this year, then (to update his reply to his wife), “Go to Lowe’s, buy a ladder, and get over it.”
Join me. Make this your New Year resolution and then witness this upcoming year be the greatest year in the history of the Church!