To many, God’s choice of speaking in other tongues as an initial physical evidence of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling and also a continual source to empower believers to make a difference in this world remains a mystery. To these Jesus-loving believers, the supernatural aspect of speaking in other tongues is too much for their natural mind to wrap itself around. Consequently, many believers choose to ignore what they don’t fully understand thus causing them to miss out on one of God’s greatest gifts to believers.

Some time ago, I came across a quote that I consider to be the perfect answer for those confused about praying in the Spirit. The pioneer British Assemblies of God pastor, educator, convention speaker, and author Donald Gee addressed this issue in this concise and insightful way:

“It is difficult to conceive of any other sign so simple,
so universally available, and yet so suggestive of the
Holy Spirit’s complete control of the whole of
man’s ransomed powers.”
~ Donald Gee “The Phenomena of Pentecost”

Can you see how this quote should eliminate any and all confusion about praying in other tongues? Gee is explaining that, in pouring out His Spirit upon mankind, God has provided a way for us to know that we know that we know (a sign) that the gift has been received, made this gift with the accompanying evidence available for every believer in every place in the world (universally available), AND allowed man to totally yield in a way never before possible (complete control of the whole of man’s ransomed powers). Once this is understood, the mystery is solved, confusion will leave, questions will be cast to the side, the believer will ask the Father for this gift, and, like the apostle Paul, they will say to those around, “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all.” (1 Corinthians 14:18).

Do the Church a favor. Let’s eliminate this mystery by passing along this blog post to all who have questions about the validity and importance of praying in the Spirit. I know that they will thank you and thank you some more!