It’s been quite a while since I have shared materials from my files. These are nuggets (stories and quotations) discovered while reading and then entered into Excel spreadsheets. In this post, I am excited to share a few of the many quotations gleaned from one of my all-time favorite spiritual heroes, Dr. P.C. Nelson.

THE BACKGROUND: I know that the name P.C. Nelson might be unfamiliar to many of this blog’s readers. Peter Christopher Nelson (1868-1942) was a prominent Baptist evangelist and writer. Born in Denmark and a master linguist, he was reported to have a reading knowledge of 25 languages. Once baptized in the Holy Spirit, he became a minister with the Assemblies of God, first traveling as an evangelist and later becoming the founder of what would become Southwestern Assemblies of God University. 


  1. “Without His (the Holy Spirit’s) presence, the believer is as devoid of power as is a dead locomotive with neither fuel, water nor steam.”
  2.  “When Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Ghost was given-” (Acts 8:18). What convinced the Christian Jews who accompanied Peter to the household of Cornelius that they had been baptized in the Spirit? “They heard them” (Acts 10:45,46). I like an experience that is so real, so wonderful, so transforming, that even the unbelieving can see and hear it. “Hath poured forth this which ye see and hear.”
  3. “If the holy Son of God needed the anointing of the Spirit for His ministry, what supreme folly to imagine that we can dispense with it!”
  4. “It would be an insult to our Lord to say, or even tacitly imply, that we do not need such an experience as the baptism in the Spirit, and no less an insult to Him to be indifferent and unconcerned in relation to it.” 
  5. “Jesus did not put the baptism in the list of luxuries but made it a necessity when He commanded His disciples to tarry until endued with power from on high. (Luke 24:49)”
  6. “The Lord has more trouble with people’s heads than He does with their hearts.”
  7. “The baptism in the Holy Spirit is the initiation into this life of glorious victory.”

THE QUOTES SOURCE: These quotes are taken from Nelson’s The Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Fort Worth, TX: Southwestern Press, 1942).